FALL 2006

COMD 202 F002 & COMD 202 F003


syllabus in PDF file (print version)

course schedule HTML version



Please follow the link to Carnegie Mellon University researchers on physical and virtual worlds that push the current boundaries of computing environments for design Mark D. Gross and Ellen Yi-Luen Do - thank you kindly for the permission to use your inspiring articles for education purposes.

Link to PDF articles:


MID-TERM REVIEW coming soon

Project 02 (gesture and automatic drawing strategies) runs throughout the semester. This project involves your engagement beyond the class time. Each student will briefly present (using multimedia) research (text, internet and other sources) and sketch- book sharing. Please follow the link and write short comment on selected article by Mark D. Gross and Ellen Yi-Luen Do.

Suggested readings:

Cipra, Barry A., "Computer-Drawn Pictures Stalk the Wild Trajectory", Science, Sept. 1988.
Peterson, Ivars, "In the Shadow of Chaos", Science News, 134, No. 23, Dec. 3, 1988.
Maddox, John, "How to shadow noisy chaos", Nature, 347, No. 18, Oct. 1989.

Bean, Jacob 17th century Italian Drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 1979
Currie, Stuart Drawing, 1400-1600: invention and innovation. 1998
Godfrey, Tony Drawing Today: draughtsmen in the Eighties, 1990
Hockney, David David Hockney: a drawing retrospective, 1995
Lambert, Susan Reading Drawings: An Introduction to looking at drawings
National Gallery of Ireland Master European drawings from the collection of the National Gallery of Ireland. 1983
Rowell, Margit Sigmar Polke: works on paper 1963-1974. 1999
Wadley, Nicholas Impressionist and Post Impressionist drawing. 1991
Walker Art Gallery Twentieth century British drawings and Watercolours in the Walker Art gallery, Liverpool. 1969
Arnheim, R. Art and Visual Perception. Faber and Faber, London. 1956
Auvil, K. Perspective Drawing. Mayfield Publishing, California. 1990
Bann. The True Vine. Cambridge University Press. 1989
Barcsay, J. Anatomy of the Artist. Octopus London. 1973
Benesch, O. Rembrandt as Draughtsman. Phaidon. 1960
Berger, J. Ways of Seeing.
Berger, J. Permanent Red.
Berry, A. Drawing the Human Form. Van Nostrand Reinhold New York, 1977
Bridgemans, A. Complete Guide to Drawing form Life.
Burban, M. Lessons from Michaelangelo. Watson Guptill. 1986
Clark, K. The Nude. Pelican.
Comini, A. Egon Schielle. Thames and Hudson. 1976
Dean, S. Master Drawings. Nat. Gall. Of Vic. 1986
Dover, B. Drawing. Education Department of Victoria
Dunlop, I. Degas. Thames and Hudson. 1979
Edwards, B. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. J.B. Tarcher Inc. 1979
Eisler, C. The Drawings of the Masters (series). Little Brown & Co. Boston 1976
Gill, Robert. Basic Rendering. Thames and Hudson. 1991
Godfrey, N. The Art of Responsive Drawing.
Hayes, C. The Complete Guide to Painting and Drawing. Techniques and Materials. Phaidon. 1979
Hill, E. Languages of Drawing. Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs J.J. 1966
Kahn, G. The Drawings of Georges Seurat. Dover. 1971
Kaupelis, R. Learning to Draw. Watson-Guptill. New York. 1966
Klein. Life in Art. The Work of Kathe Kollwitz.
McKenzie, J. Drawing in Australia. MacMillan. Melbourne. 1986
McIntyre, A. Australian Contemporary Drawing. Boolarong Brisbane. 1988
Metzge, P. Perspective without Pain.
Mugnaini, J. The Hidden Elements of Drawing. Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1974
Murray. Dictionary of Art and Artists. Penguin. 1972
Nicolaides, K. The Natural Way to Draw. Haughton, Mifflin Boston. 1974
Rawson, P. Drawings. Oxford London. 1969
Simon, H. Techniques of Drawing. Oak Tree Press. 1963.
Simpson, I. Drawing: Seeing and Observation. Van Nostrand Reinhold, London. 1973
Thorson, V. 20 Century Drawing. Vol. 1 Talisman Books Inc. Redding USA. 1979